At Tucker First UMC we do not define youth ministry just by what youth do during one hour on a Sunday. Youth are involved throughout the church in many different ways. We are leaders in other ministries such as the Children’s Ministry, serving as acolytes during the service, singing in the choir, serving through missions and praying for our church and community. We have an incredible opportunity to be part of the music and liturgy that fills the church every Sunday, and to serve our church and community throughout the week.
join us every sunday as we seek to deepen our faith in god,
fellowship with one another and have a little fun!
Sunday Morning (9:45 am in the Wesley Center)
Sunday Evenings (5:15-7:00 pm in the Wesley Center)
Confirmation Class
Middle School Sunday School (6th-8th grade) High School Sunday School (9th-12th grade) Youth Group (6th-12th grade)
Confirmation is one of the most important parts of the Tucker First Youth Ministry. Confirmation begins with a 24 class course that guides our youth to understanding their Christian faith. It is a time to lead our youth toward a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives, an understanding of the Christian faith, and an appreciation of the privileges and obligations of baptism and full church membership. During this season, youth will explore the history of the Church, learn what United Methodists believe, study Scripture, practice prayer, and begin and/or enrich their spiritual journeys. In addition, they participate in a large group service project and numerous outside fellowship opportunities, are led by a mentor, are sponsored by a class or church group, and meet a lot of new friends.
Confirmation sponsorship is an important part of this journey. The idea is to connect each student with adults in the church who will pray for them and connect with them during their Confirmation process. Our goal is to let each student know there are others thinking and praying about him or her. Our hope is that this will begin a relationship that will last beyond Confirmation.
Confirmation is one of the most important parts of the Tucker First Youth Ministry. Confirmation begins with a 24 class course that guides our youth to understanding their Christian faith. It is a time to lead our youth toward a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives, an understanding of the Christian faith, and an appreciation of the privileges and obligations of baptism and full church membership. During this season, youth will explore the history of the Church, learn what United Methodists believe, study Scripture, practice prayer, and begin and/or enrich their spiritual journeys. In addition, they participate in a large group service project and numerous outside fellowship opportunities, are led by a mentor, are sponsored by a class or church group, and meet a lot of new friends.
Confirmation sponsorship is an important part of this journey. The idea is to connect each student with adults in the church who will pray for them and connect with them during their Confirmation process. Our goal is to let each student know there are others thinking and praying about him or her. Our hope is that this will begin a relationship that will last beyond Confirmation.