Small Groups
Tucker First UMC is committed to personal growth through diverse study opportunities. We offer many educational and small group opportunities that can be tailored to your tastes, spiritual needs, and schedule. No matter where you are in your faith, you will find something to challenge and inspire you at Tucker First UMC.
In addition to these classes and small groups listed below, Tucker First offers many short and long term Bible studies throughout the year.
In addition to these classes and small groups listed below, Tucker First offers many short and long term Bible studies throughout the year.
Sunday Morning Classes (9:45 a.m.)
Christian Friendship - Room 206
The Christian Friendship Class meets on Sunday mornings beginning about 9:15 a.m. (early birds). Our age group is guesstimated at between early 70's to 80's with a few "young'uns" of late 60's thrown in just to keep up alert! We have rotating teachers and alternate between studying from the Adult Bible Series to studying a special book selected by a class member. Each month we try to meet for dinner and fellowship. Third Thursday 6:00 pm at a local restaurant.
Discovery Class Room 201
All ages | Discussion about topical subjects from the Bible and how these topics relate to life. A facilitator does the prep work for the discussion and class members have the option to follow along or if busy with children and life, they can attend and still participate in a lively discussion. The class members are varied and cast many perspectives on the topic of the day.
Discipleship Journey Sunday School Class-Room 209
We will explore what it means to Love Thy Neighbor and focus on growing our faith through friendships in Christ. This class is suggested for people ages 30s-50s, married or single, parents or non-parents.
Searchers - Room 202
Couple & Singles 40 ++ | Taught by Ken Futch, this class enjoys Bible study using the Adult Bible Series with an emphasis on discussion.
The Unity Class – Room 112
This older adult group discussion covers topical subjects and book studies relevant to modern Christian thinking.
Christian Friendship - Room 206
The Christian Friendship Class meets on Sunday mornings beginning about 9:15 a.m. (early birds). Our age group is guesstimated at between early 70's to 80's with a few "young'uns" of late 60's thrown in just to keep up alert! We have rotating teachers and alternate between studying from the Adult Bible Series to studying a special book selected by a class member. Each month we try to meet for dinner and fellowship. Third Thursday 6:00 pm at a local restaurant.
Discovery Class Room 201
All ages | Discussion about topical subjects from the Bible and how these topics relate to life. A facilitator does the prep work for the discussion and class members have the option to follow along or if busy with children and life, they can attend and still participate in a lively discussion. The class members are varied and cast many perspectives on the topic of the day.
Discipleship Journey Sunday School Class-Room 209
We will explore what it means to Love Thy Neighbor and focus on growing our faith through friendships in Christ. This class is suggested for people ages 30s-50s, married or single, parents or non-parents.
Searchers - Room 202
Couple & Singles 40 ++ | Taught by Ken Futch, this class enjoys Bible study using the Adult Bible Series with an emphasis on discussion.
The Unity Class – Room 112
This older adult group discussion covers topical subjects and book studies relevant to modern Christian thinking.
Short-Term Studies
Becoming a Girl of Grace: A Bible Study for Tweens and Moms
Becoming a Girl of Grace is prayerfully and intentionally written for tween girls to share with their moms. The premise is simple—offer a way for moms and their tween daughters to dig into the Word of God together and keep the lines of communication flowing, full of engaging questions and fun activities. Our groups meets Tuesdays (7:30 - 8:45 pm) through March 25 at the home of Mimi Sanders. It is geared toward girls 4th-7th grade and their moms. To Register contact Mimi at 678) 325-4038 or [email protected].
Covenant Bible Study: Part 2
"Covenant Bible Study: Living" is an 8 week in-depth group Bible study that focuses on the concept of covenant throughout the Old and New Testaments, emphasizing the unique relationship between God and humanity, exploring how to live a life fully committed to that covenant through practical application of scripture across different biblical narratives. It aims to deepen our understanding of the Bible, build community, and develop personal faith by studying how the covenant theme plays out in various contexts throughout scripture. This study group, led by Rev. Katie Mattox meets Wednesdays though April 16 at 6:00 pm in Room 203. If you have questions or would like to sign up, please contact Pastor Katie at [email protected].
Lectionary Bible Study
This weekly study follows the Revised Common Lectionary and meets on Tuesdays at 2:30 pm in Jenkins Hall. It is "no preparation required" and "come as you are, when you can." It's a wonderful time to be together and study the word of God. Join us!
Becoming a Girl of Grace: A Bible Study for Tweens and Moms
Becoming a Girl of Grace is prayerfully and intentionally written for tween girls to share with their moms. The premise is simple—offer a way for moms and their tween daughters to dig into the Word of God together and keep the lines of communication flowing, full of engaging questions and fun activities. Our groups meets Tuesdays (7:30 - 8:45 pm) through March 25 at the home of Mimi Sanders. It is geared toward girls 4th-7th grade and their moms. To Register contact Mimi at 678) 325-4038 or [email protected].
Covenant Bible Study: Part 2
"Covenant Bible Study: Living" is an 8 week in-depth group Bible study that focuses on the concept of covenant throughout the Old and New Testaments, emphasizing the unique relationship between God and humanity, exploring how to live a life fully committed to that covenant through practical application of scripture across different biblical narratives. It aims to deepen our understanding of the Bible, build community, and develop personal faith by studying how the covenant theme plays out in various contexts throughout scripture. This study group, led by Rev. Katie Mattox meets Wednesdays though April 16 at 6:00 pm in Room 203. If you have questions or would like to sign up, please contact Pastor Katie at [email protected].
Lectionary Bible Study
This weekly study follows the Revised Common Lectionary and meets on Tuesdays at 2:30 pm in Jenkins Hall. It is "no preparation required" and "come as you are, when you can." It's a wonderful time to be together and study the word of God. Join us!
Monthly Connection Groups

Pioneers is Tucker First UMC's group for senior adults interested in friendship, fun, and faith. We meet the 2nd Thursday of the month at 11:30 am in Jenkins Hall. Join us for a catered lunch ($12), program, and a time to connect. RSVP to Carolyn Weir at 770-232-0176.

United Women in Faith
All women are invited to an evening of great food and fellowship! Join us on the first Saturday of the month at 10:30 am in The Wesley Center. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other women in the church and make a difference in our community through fellowship and mission. Questions? Contact Melanie Lynn at m[email protected].
All women are invited to an evening of great food and fellowship! Join us on the first Saturday of the month at 10:30 am in The Wesley Center. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other women in the church and make a difference in our community through fellowship and mission. Questions? Contact Melanie Lynn at m[email protected].
Christian Women's Fellowship Join the Christian Women’s Fellowship on the second Monday of the month at 10:15 am in Jenkins Hall for coffee, fellowship, and learn about ways we are serving our church and community through our missions. Questions? Contact Linda Futch at [email protected].

United Methodist Men Meetings
The United Methodist Men meet each 1st Wednesday at 8:00 am at Matthews Cafeteria for breakfast and fellowship.
All men are invited!